What Causes the Error
The cause of this error is that another RadioPro Dispatch PC is already connecting to this RadioPro IP gateway using the same license key.
Multiple Dispatch PCs CAN connect to the same RadioPro IP Gateway, but each RadioPro Dispatch PC is required to have it’s own software license key.
With the purchase of each RadioPro Dispatch software license, you were provided with a software license key. This software license key can only be installed on one Windows PC.
RadioPro Dispatch Clients
RadioPro Dispatch is a multilinking client software, capable of making several simultaneous connections to multiple RadioPro gateways at once. Each PC requires Windows OS to install the Dispatch client but also needs a unique factory supplied software license key to be imported to the PC to customize it for use.
See Dispatch Clients in the RadioPro IP Gateway Installation Guide (p.11)
Dispatch Software License
If your organization has a RadioPro Dispatch software license installed concurrently on multiple PCs you may be using our software in a manner that violates the terms of the software license agreement that you agreed to upon installation.
We understand that it can be easy to unintentionally violate software licensing terms, and we are here to work with you to ensure that you can continue to use our software in a way that is both productive and legally compliant.
The following is an excerpt taken from the software license that is agreed to when RadioPro Dispatch is installed:
Upon payment of the Appropriate License Fees, You may:
For RadioPro Dispatch Software:
(a) install the Dispatch Software onto Your PC and up to one backup PC,(b) make one copy of the Dispatch Software solely for backup purposes, provided that You reproduce, unaltered, all proprietary notices on or in the copy,
(c) run the Dispatch Software on one Dispatcher PC at a time,
(d) connect the Dispatch PC to IP Gateway units, up to the number of rightfully licensed Connections as specified in the Dispatch Hardware Protection Device and Software Key.
For IP Gateway Software: run the IP Gateway Software on the IP Gateway unit on which it is was installed by CTI; and
For ICU Software:
(a) install the ICU Software onto one or more of Your PCs,(b) run the ICU Software to configure one or more of Your IP Gateway units manufactured by CTI,
For Solo Software:
(a) install the Solo Software onto one or more of Your PCs,(b) run the Solo Software on one or more PCs to connect to one of Your IP Gateway units, up to the number of rightfully licensed User Connections configured on that IP Gateway unit,
You may not and shall not permit others to:
(a) copy the Licensed Software (except as expressly permitted above),
(b) run more than one copy of the Dispatch Software concurrently,
(c) use the Solo Software to concurrently connect more PCs than the rightfully licensed number of User Connections configured in an IP Gateway,
(d) use the Dispatch Software to concurrently connect to more than the rightfully licensed number of IP Gateways as specified in the Software Key,
(e) use the Dispatch Software, Solo Software or ICU Software with hardware devices or software not made by CTI that emulate or mimic the functionality of the IP Gateway,
(f) modify or translate any Licensed Software,
(g) modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt (i) to defeat, avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or otherwise circumvent any hardware or software protection mechanisms in the Licensed Software or Dispatch Software, including without limitation any such mechanism used to restrict or control the functionality of the Licensed Software, or (ii) to derive the source code or the underlying ideas, algorithms, structure or organization from the Licensed Software, or
(h) distribute, rent, transfer or grant any rights in the Licensed Software (except as expressly permitted above) in any form to any person without the prior written consent of CTI.
This license is not a sale. Title and copyrights to the Licensed Software and any copies made by you remain with CTI and its suppliers.
RadioPro™ Software License Agreement